Your thyroid is your metabolism's control centre. Your thyroid and the hormones it generates are responsible for a number of vital bodily processes.
Do you struggle with poor energy, brain fog, or weight loss? These are all symptoms of a sluggish thyroid gland. It's time to reclaim your life if you've battled with these difficulties.
The Thyroid Health Kit offers specialist thyroid nourishment. Vitamin B12, selenium, and iodine are included in the 60-day regimen, which are vital nutrients that help your thyroid function properly, giving you greater energy, a better mood, and overall well-being.
Health Benefits Of The Thyroid Health Kit
The Thyroid Health Kit includes everything you need to naturally enhance and take care of your thyroid function.

More Natural Energy
When your thyroid is out of balance, you'll feel depleted and tired all of the time. Giving your thyroid the nutrition it requires on a regular basis can help you stay energised and focused throughout the day.

Improved Focus & Clarity
One of the first symptoms that your thyroid isn't working properly is brain fog, which has an impact on your day-to-day existence. The Thyroid Health Kit can help you hone your attention and get a fresh sense of clarity.

Balanced Metabolism
The thyroid gland's principal job is to control metabolic activity. Your metabolic output will decline if your thyroid is inefficient. A fast and effective metabolism requires a functioning thyroid and the hormones it generates.
Great Reasons To Try The Thyroid Health Kit

Stay Energised
Low energy is a characteristic symptom of a sluggish thyroid. The right nutrition may provide you with enough energy to get you through any hectic day.

Sleep Better
Sleep patterns are affected when your energy levels are erratic and out of balance. Feel rejuvenated when you wake up with balanced energy.

Feel Sharp
Thyroid imbalance and brain fog coexist. Taking care of your thyroid can help you concentrate and maintain your attention.

Up Your Metabolism
The thyroid is responsible for producing the hormones that control your metabolic rate. A functioning thyroid is necessary for a smooth metabolism.
Whats Included In The Thyroid Health Kit?

Vitamin B12
The three most bioactive forms of Vitamin B12 are combined in Global Healing's Vitamin B12 supplement. B12 deficiency is common in people who have an underactive thyroid.

Detoxadine is organic, deep-earth sourced nascent iodine that nourishes the thyroid and encourages normal hormone balance.

The thyroid needs Selenium to produce T3 and T4 hormones. The body also uses selenium to produce antioxidant enzymes that protect the thyroid.
Ingredients & Usage
See individual Bottle label for ingredients
Start every morning by taking 1 ml (1 dropperful) of Vitamin B12 on an empty stomach. Take 3 drops of Detoxadine — this can be taken on an empty stomach or with your morning meal. Take 1 ml of Selenium with your morning meal.